Nominations and Eligible Stories

Hope springs eternal! Although my story, “Immunity” (Asimov’s, 2006) did not get nominated for an Aurora Award, my good friend, Hayden Trenholm’s story, “Lumen Essence” did, and two good friends (Rob Sawyer for Best Short Form Work in English for “Biding Time” and Randy McCharles for “Best Fan – Organizational”) WON! Congratulations to all three!

Aurora awards for 2007 are upcoming much earlier this year. Instead of a fall award (2006’s awards were presented in October of 2007) Auroras will be presented in the spring (2007 awards will be presented at Keycon in Winnipeg, Manitoba the weekend of May 16-19, 2008). Hence the deadline for entering nominations is March 17, 2008. Simply put, the works with the most nominations wind up on the ballot. This year the form is MUCH easier, as you can enter on line–no need for an envelope and stamp.

Details are at: If you have trouble with the detailed address, go to their website at Click on “English” then click on “nomination form.” Or just google “prix aurora awards.”

Aurora Awards are Canada’s top awards for Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy–writing, art and other works. For a list of all eligible entries, check out the Canadian SF Works Database.

If you would like to nominate me for a “Best Short Form Work in English,” consider checking out my eligible short story, “Paid in Full,” published in Asimov’s Science Fiction, vol. 31 #10-11, the 2007 October/November issue. You can read the full text on my website,

Or, have a look at THE PHANTOM OF THE SPACE OPERA, a live performance at the August, 2007 Conversion in Calgary, which is eligible for “Best Work in English, Other.” A DVD of the performance is available, and it will be uploaded onto YouTube by early January for general viewing. I directed and edited the movie, and the writer/actors were all Calgary writers.

Other members of IFWA (Calgary’s Science Fiction / Fantasty writing group) with eligible works include:
• Randy McCharles (“Vampires of the Canadian Rockies”) and Susan Forest (“Tomorrow and Tomorrow”) in Tesseracts 11, eligible in “Best Short Form Work in English”
• Randy McCharles’s and Sandy Fitzpatrick’s stories from the Okal Rel anthology, for “Best Short Form Work in English”
• Hayden Trenholm’s novelette, “Like Water in the Desert” from Challenging Destiny #24 is eligible in “Best Short Form Work in English”
• Robert J. Sawyer’s Rollback (Tor) is eligible in the “Best Long Form Work in English”
• Kirstin Morrell is eligible in “Best Fan Organizational” category for chairing last year’s Con-Version

You can nominate 3 works in each category. Please consider nominating a writer from western Canada!

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