The sessions continue to be great — too many to choose among — and it is wonderful to hear about writing and the business straight out of the mouths of top authors and agents. The other thing is, of course, that you recognize them when you meet them. Although, that may not always be the best thing. My good friend, Kim Greyson, who is in charge of guests for World Fantasy (which will be in Calgary in October) knows EVERYONE, so last night he introduced me to writer David Coe. The first thing I said was, “I know you — where have we met?” He was a little confused; then I realized — I’d seen him on a panel. Oops! But he was very gracious about the mistake.
Parties, of course, are where a lot of the business is done. I fell into conversation with a top agent, Lucienne Diver, who gave me her card, then Kim introduced me to Kathleen Doherty who offered to place my manuscripts in front of the right editor at Tor. What an opportunity! Thanks, Kim! Also, for the first time, I got to make an introduction. I introduced Randy McCharles to Sheila Williams at Asimov’s. I read in her June editorial that she is looking for humour and the first person I thought of was Randy because he is not only an awesome writer, he writes humour. So, once the craziness dies down, he said he would send something to Asimov’s.