So, just got back from Denvention yesterday and my next con starts Friday, here in Calgary: Conversion. Actually, I will miss most of it because I’ll be to flying to Toronto for my father-in-law’s 80th birthday!! That will be fun. Of course, I will miss the short story judging which will be too bad because my daughter has an awesome story in it. However, I will be there Friday night for IFWA Players’ Armageddon Idol. last year, as you may know, I directed The Phantom of the Space Opera, which was a ton of fun and turned out really well (we got invited to Vulcan for their con, where we performed for Eugene Roddenberry, who suggested we might like to bring the show to Las Vegas). This year, though, I get to act: I am one of 3 judges of the singing competition between Heaven and Hell for all the souls at the end of the world. The judges sing a really funny song filked from “Why Can’t the English Learn to Speak” from the musical, My Fair Lady. Our song is called, “Why Can’t Celestials Learn to Sing?” If you’re in Calgary, you have to come to the show. It’s free as long as you are a member of the con.
I’m coming to Calgary! YAY. I’m trying to contact Barb and Elisabeth, but the cell numbres I have for them both aren’t theirs anymore. Bummer. Do you have a current cell contact? Or does Heather? And I don’t have any cntact infor for you excep via this site.. thank goodness you showed it to me.
Fabulous rooming with you. See you tomorrow. Barb, er… BJ.. er “what’s ‘her name”..that lady who just sold her first novel Still totally pumped, as you can see.