Armageddon Idol

The IFWA Players put on their annual musical last Friday night and it turned out great. No one messed up on their lines or songs and the lighting didn’t cut out on us like it did last year. The audience laughed in all the right places — it was great! My husband showed up to film us and arrived a few minutes before we started while my daughter, Holly and I were rehearsing a song. We were both wearing wigs with different hairstyle and colour from our own and he didn’t recognize us until we waved and said “Hi!” It has been very cool, rehearsing, sewing costumes and doing this project with Holly.

Another highlight of Conversion was that my other daughter, Heather, came in second in the Robin Herrington Memorial Short Story Contest. Yay, Heather! I read her story and it is pretty incredible, so now I have to read the other finalists to see what the field was like.

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