I went to the Edge launch of its new imprint, X-Press, at the Venturian Art Gallery. What a first-class event! The venue, which was awesome (gorgeous art work) was packed and it was semi-formal, with nibblies and wine. I had the opportunity to read (I love to read) as well as Randy McCharles and Marie (last name?) who runs Edge’s podcasts. Marie also told some very funny stories. After the break, Rob Sawyer read, who is always awesome, and Christian Bok, a poet whom I hadn’t heard before, but whose performance was breathtaking.
Also, it was great to touch base with some people I rarely see, such as Quartet Publisher, Rose Scollard. Barb Galler-Smith (whose first novel, Druids, will be coming out from Edge in the fall) and Ann Marsden came down from Edmonton. And — here was my surprise for the evening — Brian and Anita’s son was there: he works with my husband. What a small world!