Back to School

So, summer is over and I’m back to school. I love my work — I only wish I didn’t do sixty hours a week of it. And, this past weekend was a bit of a write-off because my car is a write-off. I didn’t post this earlier, but on the long weekend in August, a hail storm hit the quarter section where I was camping at a family reunion, and the back windshield of my car was smashed, as well as another window. The whole body is pockmarked, and even the front windshield was damaged, along with rear speakers, rear tail light, another window and an outside mirror. The shame is, the engine and frame, etc., all are fine, but the car will got to the wreckers anyway. So, I spent most of this weekend looking for a new car, instead of writing. Sigh.
But now I am working on a fantasy short story.

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