My fourth story to a Top Three publication! The story is called, “Turning It Off,” and it is a humorous piece about teenagers who learn how to turn off the private shields everyone wears to protect them from bumps and scrapes. With, of course, unintended results.
Hi Sue,
Turning It Off
I really enjoyed your light hearted take on a world gone way too safe. I just loved how the suburban life has not changed one wit along the way and that teen agers will be teens.
Well done. Very true to life. A fun read.
Eric Hebert
Edmonton, Alberta
Thanks, Eric! It was a fun one to write. Hey, I see you live in Edmonton–will you be at Pure Speculation in November? I was thinking of going, but haven’t quite made up my mind yet.
Miss Susan,
I am a sci-fi writer so I enjoyed your Turning It Off story. I bought the Analog issue yesterday at our Books a Million in Jackson, Mississippi. I thought it was funny and it was a delight as it reminded me of some of the awkard moments I had with ladies when I was a teenager. I am glad I heard about you.
All the best,
Glen Stripling
p.s. Look for me in Shelter of Daylight. I’ll be in their December issue!
Glen–thanks for the compliment! It is a real thrill to get such lovely words! I will look for your work.