Sold a Story to Analog!!

My fourth story to a Top Three publication! The story is called, “Turning It Off,” and it is a humorous piece about teenagers who learn how to turn off the private shields everyone wears to protect them from bumps and scrapes. With, of course, unintended results.

4 Replies to “Sold a Story to Analog!!”

  1. Hi Sue,

    Turning It Off

    I really enjoyed your light hearted take on a world gone way too safe. I just loved how the suburban life has not changed one wit along the way and that teen agers will be teens.

    Well done. Very true to life. A fun read.

    Eric Hebert
    Edmonton, Alberta

  2. Thanks, Eric! It was a fun one to write. Hey, I see you live in Edmonton–will you be at Pure Speculation in November? I was thinking of going, but haven’t quite made up my mind yet.

  3. Miss Susan,
    I am a sci-fi writer so I enjoyed your Turning It Off story. I bought the Analog issue yesterday at our Books a Million in Jackson, Mississippi. I thought it was funny and it was a delight as it reminded me of some of the awkard moments I had with ladies when I was a teenager. I am glad I heard about you.

    All the best,
    Glen Stripling

    p.s. Look for me in Shelter of Daylight. I’ll be in their December issue!

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