I can’t believe I haven’t posted in a month! So much has happened–at When Words Collide, I was approached by a small press editor and asked to consider doing a collection, at Renovation, Stan Schmidt gave me a lovely compliment and asked for a story–AND Liz Gorinsky requested the full manuscript of my novel for Tor, and when I got home, I got an email from Drabblecast asking if I’d like to sell them reprint rights for a podcast for “Orange!” Busy month! Now I am busy digging out, trying to get life under control again–editing for Edge, editing my own story for OnSPEC and sending out short stories. Got to get back to writing!!
Wonderful news! Excited for you! Caught your link off the When Words Collide website and am so glad I did. All the best to you Susan. Looking forward to reading more of your successes. Onward!