I won a contest! My novella, “Lucy,” and a story by Robert Walton, were selected by a stellar group of judges–Robert Silverberg, David Drake and Barry Malzberg. The prize is $1000 and online publication–I’m breathless!
I won a contest! My novella, “Lucy,” and a story by Robert Walton, were selected by a stellar group of judges–Robert Silverberg, David Drake and Barry Malzberg. The prize is $1000 and online publication–I’m breathless!
Hello Susan, Cal here from back in Kensington Writer’ Group days (Moved up to Cold Lake for 8 years and then Russia for 5. Now retired from Imperial Oil and increase my writing efforts). Glad to bump into this good news for you! Congratulations.
Wow! Great to hear from you, Cal? Are you in Calgary? Are you still writing? Email me at susan.forest@gmail.com. Kensington still gets together about 3-4 times a year.
Will send you an email. I am at calpatti@hotmail.com
Am still writing. When will Kensington meet again?