Wow. I’m not sure how this happened, but whoever put SFWA’s Fantastic Beasts bundle together chose Bursts of Fire as one of the 15 books on this promotion! I’m absolutely elated!
If you’ve never done a bundle before, it’s simple: 5 books are on offer for whatever you want to pay ($5 minimum), and you get 10 more if you pay $15 or more. Like, amazing deal. Deets here. You can get each book for only a dollar!
And look at the amazing group of books I’ve landed among: All Things Huge and Hideous, by G. Scott Huggins, Moonshadow by Thea Harrison, Cici and the Curator by S. J. Wynde, Whalemoon by Dustin Porta, and Bloodrush by Ben Galley (base group).
The additional 10 books are Eyrie by K. Vale Nagle, Sunset, She Fights by Tameri Etherton, Bursts of Fire by MEEE!, The Cursing Stones by Sonya Bateman, Night’s Favor by Richard Parry, Song of Shadow by Natalya Capello, Heritage of Power – The Complete Series Books 1-5 by Lindsay Buroker, Prince of Foxes by H. L. Macfarlane, The Wolf at the End of the World by Douglas Smith and Windsworn by Derek Alan Siddoway
SFWA has a blog about the StoryBundle here.