Asked to co-edit Life Beyond Us

I guess I didn’t mention this before (where’s my brain?), but I was asked to co-edit Life Beyond Us, an antho by the European Astrobiological Institute with a ton of amazing authors (Stephen Baxter, Greg Benford, Tobias Buckell, Eric Choi, Julie E. Czerneda, Mary Robinette Kowal, Geoffrey Landis, and more), and editors Julie Novakova and Lucas Law.

So–over the moon on that. BUT (of course) the kickstarter needs to fund (it’s at 80% with 9 days to go, so, fingers crossed). Any help letting people know would be much appreciated. Some of the rewards are totally cool (virtual tour of the Very Large Telescope in Chile, and so forth), and it’s an education outreach program for science (a science essay explaining the underpinnings of each story is part of it). I’m really hoping it goes!

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