Rio Hondo!

SOOOO very cool! Just received an invitation to attend Rio Hondo with Walter Jon Williams and Michaela Roessner, as well as a host of 10 other great writers in May! I’ve been once before, and it was an awesome experience, so I am SUPER-looking-forward to going again! I was considering no US trips this year (our dollar has taken a pounding) so it will be a great opportunity to connect again with a handful of my US writing friends, as well as meet some new ones. So pumped!



Ms due in 3 months! Yikes!

I have 2 current editing clients (actually, one is just a manuscript review, and the ms. is short, so that’s easy, and the other is really a story coach role, so I only weigh in every couple of weeks when my client sends me stuff). I also told my writers’ group I’d have my own ms ready in 3 months. So…I’d better start writing. Yikes!

Writers’ retreat!

I went to a 3-day writers’ retreat last week and pretty much nailed the stuff I want to cover in Book 4 of my series. I really want to put the gears on now, and try to get a draft in 3 months. With the outline pretty much in place, I can see that as possible.