And, the day after I got home from the motorcycle trip to Washington, I hopped a plane for Chicago. Chicon was wonderful. I got my “Analog Mafia” pin, and was there to congratulate Stan on his retirement and Trevor on his new position. Got to meet the author I work with as an editor for Edge, in person. Sat on two panels (moderated one) and had a reading and a workshop–some good stories, there. Met new people and explored a bit of downtown Chicago, the edge of Lake Michigan and the Chicago Institute of Art with old friends. Good times!
Aurora Awards Announcement is Out!
Yay! I was nominated for an Aurora Award in the short fiction category! My story, “Turning it Off” in Analog last December was eligible, and now I am on the short list! Thanks to everyone who nominated me, and congratulations to all my worthy opponents–some awesome names on that list!
I also got a second, side-ways nomination: the novel I edited, Technicolor Ultramall, by Ryan Oakley, was the first novel I edited for Edge. Also very exciting!
More Reviews
It is so cool to google “Analog Science Fiction reviews” and catch new reviews that have come up for “Turning It Off” in December, and “The Most Invasive Species” in April, and find ***+ out of **** or 4.5/5, as well as the reviewers’ kind words.
So, of course, I put them on my website–but !!! sometimes the website can be really tough to update. Pages go missing or show up under the wrong menu, and then can’t be deleted, or the entire review has to be re-typed rather than cut-and-pasted because some hidden command inside of it makes the website reject it… grrr! So if my site looks a little funny right now, don’t worry–the material is all there under one heading or another. I just have to get the menus straightened out. Email has gone to my guru!
Consistency, anyone?
Spent the morning going over 3 related novels to ensure consistency: which magic wielder is in each city, and which talisman does each use? Amazing how they differ when you’ve been working on a project for a long time. Consistent now, though!
And, last night I got two new pages up on my website, representing 2 new stories that are currently out. One story I won’t be able to post (the contract for “Lucy” is 7 years, exclusive–but hey, it’s only $1.99 on Amazon), but the other I’ll be able to post in about a month (“Turning It Off,” December Analog). Also, I discovered that only my webadmin has the password to put the photos up for those pages, so they will be coming shortly–but they’re not there yet. However, in preparing the pages, I found three really good reviews of my work. You can read the review of “Lucy” here.
So much has happened…
I can’t believe I haven’t posted in a month! So much has happened–at When Words Collide, I was approached by a small press editor and asked to consider doing a collection, at Renovation, Stan Schmidt gave me a lovely compliment and asked for a story–AND Liz Gorinsky requested the full manuscript of my novel for Tor, and when I got home, I got an email from Drabblecast asking if I’d like to sell them reprint rights for a podcast for “Orange!” Busy month! Now I am busy digging out, trying to get life under control again–editing for Edge, editing my own story for OnSPEC and sending out short stories. Got to get back to writing!!