I am editing a new novel, freelance, and am about half way through. Very much enjoying the work. I can take on very little freelance work (though as a member of CAFE, I could easily fill my plate to over-flowing), because I have so many other projects on the go. One or two gigs a year is about all I seem to be able to manage, while still getting my own writing, teaching, learning, and volunteer work done.
Speaking at the Library today
Today, I am speaking at the Calgary Public Library on Editing 101. I’m told that the session is full–should be a lot of fun.
Also, Finished editing my novel, based on comments from my critique group. Into the final pass before re-submitting.
Productive week
Finished the short story–will do a final revision tonight, because it is for a reading tomorrow night; wrote a non-fiction article with my partner and submitted it; attended a signing for The Trillionist by Ed Lukowich (writing as Sagan Jeffries), which I love–of course! I edited it!
Things settling down
The role of SFWA secretary promises to be a demanding one, at least for the first few months, but I’m getting a bit more efficient with procedures and routines. Whew! Also, back to the editing job and loving it. Making good progress. And, last night I got a draft of my AFA application done, and it’s not due until September. Looking forward to getting back to the novel, and AFA support would certainly help. Hope third time is the charm.
Rainy day today, and none of my family home. Just the perfect day to get lots of writing done!
Chicon was great
And, the day after I got home from the motorcycle trip to Washington, I hopped a plane for Chicago. Chicon was wonderful. I got my “Analog Mafia” pin, and was there to congratulate Stan on his retirement and Trevor on his new position. Got to meet the author I work with as an editor for Edge, in person. Sat on two panels (moderated one) and had a reading and a workshop–some good stories, there. Met new people and explored a bit of downtown Chicago, the edge of Lake Michigan and the Chicago Institute of Art with old friends. Good times!