Write Off the Weekend

So this weekend is IFWA’s Write-Off. Went Friday night and most of yesterday and got tons done on my novel, and am going again today. Nothing like concentrated time to really get your teeth into the novel edits.

New story critiqued

Had a great critique from my writers’ group on Tuesday–they liked a lot of the story, and had some excellent suggestions to improve it. An interesting discussion, as well. Thanks, IFWITs!

The Write-Off!

Just finished day 1 of my writer’s group’s semi-annual writing retreat: the Write-Off! Spring is our long weekend (4-day) retreat, and I got about a chapter revised in my novel. Three more days to go!

Finished chapter 15!

Always feels good to finish a chapter. Began chapter 16 as well. Also, I hosted a reading of speculative fiction by my writers’ group at the local independent book store.

Digging out from being away

It is great to get so much done at a retreat, but boy, when you come back, there is so much to do–haven’t got too much writing done in the whole last week! Did do some work on chapter 15, but thought I’d have it done by now. However, I have helped to arrange readings for the Imaginative Fiction Writers’ Association at a local book store on Thursday, did some volunteer work for the When Words Collide readers’ and writers’ festival this summer, and got back to my exercise routine–and worked on a murder mystery play. So, lots done–just not much on the novel. Sigh.