I sold a story!!

Just got home from the Calgary Public Library’s writers’ conference (which was, as always, fabulous) and learned that I sold a story to The Urban Green Man anthology coming out this summer from Edge Press! I’m pumped! My first sale for 2013!

Almost another chapter complete

Nice, over the holidays, to have a few quiet days–finished three and a half scenes out of the next (four-scene) chapter. That’s fourteen! January may be a less productive month as I have my own grant applications (just one, this year, though I should check to see what grant applications I am missing) as well as those for When Words Collide (three). Also, I am teaching eight half-days as an artist-in-residence–in a French school! Have to brush up on my French. And, start letting people know I am eligible for the Aurora, Hugo and Nebula awards. At least I already updated my website with access to all the stories I can. Oh, and–this just in–I made it past the first cut of the Green Man Anthology! Yay! (And if I find a little time, I have an idea for a series of watercolour paintings…) Oh, and did I just volunteer for positions on the Robin Herrington Short Story Contest committee, and maybe SFWA? Hmm.

Short story submitted to workshop

Got my short story revised and sent out to the workshop for this summer. Next up: copy edits for my last Edge novel and communicating with my next Edge author! Then, got to get some short fiction out on the market.

Novel gone to beta readers

So, my beta readers now have the novel, so it’s back to short fiction. I have a piece completed for the workshop with Walter Jon Williams this summer that needs a last read through before submitting prior to the end of the month. Then I want to submit to a couple of markets I have my eye on. That should keep me busy until my beta readers come back with revision suggestions for the novel.

Write-Off Tomorrow

Four solid days of nothing to do but write–it will be fantastic! I’ll finish my novel edits for Edge Press today, so my plate is clear. Then: revise Chapter 10 and write Chapter 11 of “Magiers,” which is where my excitement is really boiling right now. BUT I also got an excellent rejection from IMGS that I want to follow up and I had a super critique on Tuesday for a new short story that I want to follow up on…and then there is another novel to revise for a May submission…Four days might be a little short.