Wonderful, Restful Holiday

Other than submitting my art to the Calgary Stampede Western Art Show for next summer (wish me luck: they select the artists and pieces to display by March), I have had a restful holiday. Finished Among Others, by Jo Walton, a thoroughly enjoyable read, and started 419 by Will Fergusson, Read a little Asimov’s, and worried away at my traditional Christmas jigsaw puzzle. I only allow myself a jigsaw puzzle once

Novelette complete

Yes, two weeks of holiday–a motorcycle trip with stunning views of the Rockies was fodder for not only writing ideas (have to think when you spend 8 hours out of communication with EVERYTHING on a motorcycle) but about 15 sketches–and a great trip to visit relatives down east. In spite of that, I did finish the first draft of a 9,200 word novelette that I am quite pleased with. Edits, then submit!

Back working on short fiction

I’ve been loving the painting so much it has taken me this long to get back to short fiction, but I’m back! (with 12 finished–and framed–paintings and 3 more half done. Am I manic?). Also, got my crit for my novel last Tuesday and I’m really charged up about it. So much to do, and so little time. I’m away doing three different family things 5 days this week which will be fun, but it slows down the progress on writing, that’s for sure.

Oh, and Renovation is going to use me as a workshop critiquer! I was so pleased to have my work critiqued by professionals back at Worldcon in Anaheim five years ago, this is my opportunity to repay the work. Looking forward to it!