Author Event at Pandora’s Boox

Thanks to Randy McCharles and Lesley Winfield for organizing a wonderful multi-author signing at Pandora’s Boox in Olds today! We had about 12- 15 authors out, and every one of them sold at least a book or two–I sold three! The book store did very well, and everyone had fun. I met some new authors, and had a great time.


Very cool! I was talking to the editor of the SFWA blog, Todd Vandermark, at Launchpad, and when he discovered I teach creative writing, he asked if I would do a blog post for the SFWA site. Cool! One of my favourite courses is “Backstory Secrets”–which, I have to admit, is mostly a combo of Robert McKee and Donald Maass, but with my own twist on how to apply it to writing. So, I wrote up 1000 words putting into a nutshell (with examples), and made a sale! Yay!


Very cool! I was talking to the editor of the SFWA blog, Todd Vandermark, at Launchpad, and when he discovered I teach creative writing, he asked if I would do a blog post for the SFWA site. Cool! One of my favourite courses is “Backstory Secrets”–which, I have to admit, is mostly a combo of Robert McKee and Donald Maass, but with my own twist on how to apply it to writing. So, I wrote up 1000 words putting into a nutshell (with examples), and made a sale! Yay!

Alternative places to order Immunity to Strange Tales

There! I updated my webpage with the ordering information for Immunity to Strange Tales. I had the publisher link all along, but it is also available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, Google Play, Indigo, W.H.Smith UK, Waterstones UK, and Your Local Book Seller, so thought it was important to have the links in my website. Done!

I sold a story!!

Just got home from the Calgary Public Library’s writers’ conference (which was, as always, fabulous) and learned that I sold a story to The Urban Green Man anthology coming out this summer from Edge Press! I’m pumped! My first sale for 2013!