Speaking at the Library today

Today, I am speaking at the Calgary Public Library on Editing 101. I’m told that the session is full–should be a lot of fun.

Also, Finished editing my novel, based on comments from my critique group. Into the final pass before re-submitting.

Novel critique

Thanks to excellent friends and awesome writers, I got a fantastic critique of a novel that was rejected for submission (with an offer from the editor to look at it again). What I needed was another take on the 3 paragraph critique the editor sent me to clarify with fresh eyes the things she wanted me to change. Of course, I was also pleased to get fresh insights from my critiquers, as well. The result was a very clear and manageable set of suggestions that have completely energized me! Thanks to great writers and great friends!

Wonderful, Restful Holiday

Other than submitting my art to the Calgary Stampede Western Art Show for next summer (wish me luck: they select the artists and pieces to display by March), I have had a restful holiday. Finished Among Others, by Jo Walton, a thoroughly enjoyable read, and started 419 by Will Fergusson, Read a little Asimov’s, and worried away at my traditional Christmas jigsaw puzzle. I only allow myself a jigsaw puzzle once

Productive week

Finished the short story–will do a final revision tonight, because it is for a reading tomorrow night; wrote a non-fiction article with my partner and submitted it; attended a signing for The Trillionist by Ed Lukowich (writing as Sagan Jeffries), which I love–of course! I edited it!

Short story finished and submitted!

It is good to have another short story in the mail. I really must look at some I have finished but not submitted and see if they need a polish–then decide where to send them. Tomorrow: going to New York to see the sights with my sister; but I’ll also get to SFWA’s Authors’ and Editors’ Reception. Should be great!