Very cool! I was talking to the editor of the SFWA blog, Todd Vandermark, at Launchpad, and when he discovered I teach creative writing, he asked if I would do a blog post for the SFWA site. Cool! One of my favourite courses is “Backstory Secrets”–which, I have to admit, is mostly a combo of Robert McKee and Donald Maass, but with my own twist on how to apply it to writing. So, I wrote up 1000 words putting into a nutshell (with examples), and made a sale! Yay!
Very cool! I was talking to the editor of the SFWA blog, Todd Vandermark, at Launchpad, and when he discovered I teach creative writing, he asked if I would do a blog post for the SFWA site. Cool! One of my favourite courses is “Backstory Secrets”–which, I have to admit, is mostly a combo of Robert McKee and Donald Maass, but with my own twist on how to apply it to writing. So, I wrote up 1000 words putting into a nutshell (with examples), and made a sale! Yay!
Freelance Editing
I am editing a new novel, freelance, and am about half way through. Very much enjoying the work. I can take on very little freelance work (though as a member of CAFE, I could easily fill my plate to over-flowing), because I have so many other projects on the go. One or two gigs a year is about all I seem to be able to manage, while still getting my own writing, teaching, learning, and volunteer work done.
Speaking at the Library today
Today, I am speaking at the Calgary Public Library on Editing 101. I’m told that the session is full–should be a lot of fun.
Also, Finished editing my novel, based on comments from my critique group. Into the final pass before re-submitting.
Teaching writing to young people
Had a great class Tuesday morning, teaching story structure to grade 7 gifted students. We came up with a story idea, outlined it in 5 scenes and students acted out the first 2 scenes–hopefully, they’ll get a chance with their regular teacher to do the last 3 scenes this week. Love working with kids!